…and back to Italy….

From Poland, I nipped down to Hungary. I’ve been to Budapest before, but this trip took me down to Szeged. It looked like a pretty town, but I didn’t get a chance to explore as I arrived Sunday afternoon and left Monday morning. It didn’t help that the weather was awful, socked in foggy. My next stop was Budapest. The weather didn’t improve and my time was tight. I’ve shot some images in Budapest before, but there is so much more that I really need to spend some time here to do it justice. I didn’t get a chance to unpack the tripod before moving on to Milan.

Street Vendor, Milan, Italy

I love Milan and Northern Italy. I took the tram into the city center, stopped for a gelato, and wandered around. I’ve been here before, and I took a shot for the Cities Project, but that was on a limited time budget. This time I had an afternoon to wander and see. The Duomo is heavily scaffolded, as is the statue in the center of the Piazza, so I didn’t hang about here for very long. I started to walk Northwest, stopping for a cappuccino on the way, heading for the Castello Visconteo. There is a roundabout called Largo Cariroli where trams run across and around the central statue. Very colourful!

Tram, Largo Cariroli, Milan

Moving on, to the Castello Visconteo and the interesting clock. Not as interesting as the clock in Prague, but pretty all the same.

Castello Visconteo, Milan, Italy

Next, the continuing journey wandering through Milan……



Creative Commons License
This work by Jason Pitcher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.jasonpitcher.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.jasonpitcher.com.

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