Another European Odyssey

I’ve been neglecting the  blog for the last couple of weeks (OK, 4 weeks, but who’s counting), but it’s been because of new equipment and travel commitments for the day job.

I’m currently on a trip to Europe. Starting in Prague, then to Cesky Krumlov via the Sedlec Ossuary. Then onto Vienna for a few days. I’ll post as I can, but I’m giving a new lens a thorough workout. The Nikon 14-24mm f2.8ED AFS G has joined it’s stablemate in my bag and I have to say, I’m really enjoying it. One review is here and another here. I’ve always loved Ultrawides and this is no exception. I really appreciate doing this with it:

More After the Jump………

I’ll save babbling on about the lens for a later post, and chat about the travel instead. We arrived in Prague via Vienna and a car rental. Arrived late and took a quick trip through rain soaked streets to the main square. Not to thrilled to be trying to grab a shot in the rain, and didn’t take long to retreat to the hotel. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Day 2 and a madcap rush around Prague. Lots to see and we try to hit highlights as it could be a while before we get back. First, up the hill to the Castle. This is a great place to try out the new optic, and I’ve got a challenge for it. Shooting straight into the sun, bracket a set handheld for a gentle HDR touch. I want to see the internal reflections and ghosting I’m gonna get, plus a mildly interesting travel shot of Prague Castle. The results are interesting with some partial ghosts. Fun for a contemporary fashion shot, not so hot for land / city scapes. Although…..I do quite like it.

A day of shooting, finally drag our aching carcasses up the Metronome steps to grab a sunset shot for the cities project. After dodging weed smoking youths learning to do some sort of modern dance fad and past the groping teenagers we got to our chosen spot, the rather pretty Hanavský pavilon. Got some nice shots and was just about to pack up and call it a night when fireworks started over the Charles Bridge. Who knew?

Crash into bed for a couple of hours sleep, followed by a 3:30am start……..

More to come….

Creative Commons License
This work by Jason Pitcher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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