Onto Chengdu….

So I travel to Chengdu for some business meetings and have the opportunity in the late afternoon to take a stroll. We toddled down to the Peoples Park, a lovely inner city park that is an oasis of calm.

This is an idyllic place, with fish ponds, boating lakes and tea houses.

More after the Jump…….

Around corners there are bridges and small buildings nestling in the greenery. An orchid garden (not flowering) and little pagodas…..a delightful place amid the hustle and bustle of a city with a bigger population than most.

 The tea houses are interesting. Men approach you offering to give you a massage or clean your ears! The tea is an interesting experience and my palate is not refined enough to appreciate the subtleties. We watched a young tea boy in training getting tutored and it was fascinating to watch him perform…….

I like Chengdu…….fascinating city…..

More to come……

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This work by Jason Pitcher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.jasonpitcher.com.
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