Welcome to JasonPitcher.com!

Hi, this is a photo related blog by Jason Pitcher. I’m a “photo enthusiast”, meaning I don’t make a living from my photography – an amature in the true sense of the word.
My plan here is to post stuff that interests me – and share it. Reviews of the equipment I own, what I like, what I hate and why. Unsponsored and unfiltered.
OK, so this is going to get started with gear. I’m a Nikon shooter. Why? Well, it all started in about 1983. I went into a camera store in Leicester, England and decided I needed an SLR. I talked to the assistant and he got down a Nikon, a Canon and a Pentax. I picked up all three and the Nikon just fit in my hand like it was made for it. The controls fell under my fingers, no stretching, no reaching….I was in love. so I bought my first SLR – a Zenit TTL. I wish I could afford the Nikon, but I couldn’t. I shot that Zenit for years – upgrading to a Practika MTL3! I couldn’t afford a better camera until post college – and then, eventually, I got a Nikon F90x (which I still have). Then the gear bug really hit! Disposable income meant an F5 – in my opinioin the best film camera ever! Forays into medium format – a Bronica ETRSi system and then lack of disposable income. I sold off the Bronica and the F5 for my first digital SLR – the D100. Since then, I’ve gone to the D200 – which I personally feel is when the DSLR finally replaced 35mm film, to a D300 and currently a D700. They still fit my hands like they were made to be there and I’ve enough invested in the system that switching is just not feasible – unless I really start making my living do it and there is a compelling reason to do so. So, anyone who askesĀ  – what camera system should I buy into – my answer is whatever fits in your hand the best. What is the most comfortable. What is the most intuitive to use for you? There lies the answer and I cannot, nor can anyone else, answer it for you.

Thats it – first post! please comment away…more to come…

Creative Commons License
This work by Jason Pitcher is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at www.jasonpitcher.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.jasonpitcher.com.


  1. Hi Jay, welcome to the world of blogging! Look forward to more, especially the pictures you take!

  2. Dynamicmoment

    Thanks Les, I'm also reworking my website for grins….check it out at http://www.jasonpitcher.com

  3. Hey there Jason. Got to know about your blog from ThinkThank’s tweet. Thinking (no pun intended :)) to get TTP’s SW Pro or HD soon. Using a Crumpler shoulder bag which I adore but lately has been overwhelmed..

  4. Thanks for the comment Rizwan. The SW pro is exactly the same as the SW HD except for the depth due to the laptop compartment. If you don’t need the capacity for a laptop, the SW Pro will serve you well. I can attest to the ruggedness and durability of the bags (see my post on the UD60). Let me know how you get on with your choice.

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